Capri has a home! She was adopted by a wonderful, experienced horsewoman named Kimberly who does her own training and was looking for just the right horse to be a fun project and a life-long companion. She saw the ad that I posted on craigslist, and immediately called me to let me know that she and Capri belonged together. Have you ever had one of those moments? You know, when you first see your horse, and you know beyond any doubt that it is meant to be yours forever and ever? I've felt that way, a couple of times now, and this lovely lady felt that way about Capri. She faxed her paperwork to the BLM, got approved lickety-split, and high-tailed it up the interstate for two hours to meet her new friend.
It was love at first sight for both of them. They checked either out from a distance, then approached one another for a first touch, then shared some time just breathing together. Kimberly brushed Capri, played with her in the roundpen, and asked all of the right questions. She spent two hours here, and there was no doubt in my mind that the two of them were a match.
With final approval from the office in Burns, Kimberly loaded Capri in her trailer and headed back down the interstate through rush-hour traffic. Capri settled into her new home easily, and has a cute appy gelding for a friend. Kimberly tells me that she is fascinated by Capri's temperament--that she has a kind personality and yet she is open to learning, too. That is very true, and it sums Capri up really well. She is mellow and gentle, but not a plug; she is smart and funny and sweet and will show her snazzy side when asked.
Capri, my friend, I wish you the best in your new forever home. Work hard, play hard, learn well, eat lots of cookies, and do what you do out your love and kindness and show the world how wonderful mustangs are.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Mustang Metrics
The tack room is cozy and filled with good stuff
There are saddles and bridles and more than enough
I'm looking for something special tonight
Maybe I'll step in here where the light is so bright
My trainer says, "Hey, what're ya doin'?"
When it should be plain I'm doin' some shoppin'
English or Western, I just can't decide
Which do you think looks best on my hide?
My trainer says, "Hey, you look great in either"
And just last week I wasn't wearin' neither
That's how slick I am, and how fast I learn
Now, hop on, let's go, there's trails to burn
"Whoa, there, Capri," my trainer does say
"Haven't we got some more groundwork to learn today?"
Oh, brother, not more circles to canter and trot
Oh, please, oh, please, say it's not
I'd rather you hop on and go for a ride
Western or English, whichever you decide
"Soon," says my trainer, I'll be ready to go
I can't hardly wait, so please don't say no
I'm a good girl, and a fun-lovin' partner
If I've done something amiss I'll try even harder
The next time to please you and earn my reward
'Cause all I really want is to be treasured
I'm up for "adoption," whatever that means
Something to do with a new home it seems
Someone to love me and tell me I'm theirs
Someplace that will be my place for all of my days
Come meet me and pet me and play with me too
I'm easy to be with and I'm sure to like you
My manners are good, I'm easy on the eyes
Take me home now, I'll be your best prize
This poem is kind of silly, but really what can I say
I'm a gentle mustang and I'd rather be eating hay
Than get all poetic about this simple stuff
I think I'll just quit rhyming now, it surely is enough
There are saddles and bridles and more than enough
I'm looking for something special tonight
Maybe I'll step in here where the light is so bright
My trainer says, "Hey, what're ya doin'?"
When it should be plain I'm doin' some shoppin'
English or Western, I just can't decide
Which do you think looks best on my hide?
My trainer says, "Hey, you look great in either"
And just last week I wasn't wearin' neither
That's how slick I am, and how fast I learn
Now, hop on, let's go, there's trails to burn
"Whoa, there, Capri," my trainer does say
"Haven't we got some more groundwork to learn today?"
Oh, brother, not more circles to canter and trot
Oh, please, oh, please, say it's not
I'd rather you hop on and go for a ride
Western or English, whichever you decide
"Soon," says my trainer, I'll be ready to go
I can't hardly wait, so please don't say no
I'm a good girl, and a fun-lovin' partner
If I've done something amiss I'll try even harder
The next time to please you and earn my reward
'Cause all I really want is to be treasured
I'm up for "adoption," whatever that means
Something to do with a new home it seems
Someone to love me and tell me I'm theirs
Someplace that will be my place for all of my days
Come meet me and pet me and play with me too
I'm easy to be with and I'm sure to like you
My manners are good, I'm easy on the eyes
Take me home now, I'll be your best prize
This poem is kind of silly, but really what can I say
I'm a gentle mustang and I'd rather be eating hay
Than get all poetic about this simple stuff
I think I'll just quit rhyming now, it surely is enough
Thursday, September 1, 2011
A Busy Mustang
Capri, the lovely lady mustang, has been busy lately. Her world has been expanding, so that when she is adopted and goes to her new home, she will already know that the world is her oyster and she is the queen wearing the pearls.
Capri, busy learning to work with a saddle and bridle
Capri, busy learning to stuff her face with green grass while bouncing around the pasture and staying away from the horse-zapping fence.
Such a busy mustang deserves a treat. Don't you agree?
first saddling,
green grass,
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