Friday, June 24, 2011

Adios, Siesta

They say all good things come to an end.  My time with Siesta has ended, but her leisurely life of domesticity is just beginning.  You may have read an earlier post that mentioned a plan to send Siesta home on June 11th, via a BLM adoption event in Ellensburg, Washington.  That plan was foiled by the outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus-1, a nasty illness that was responsible for the cancellation of nearly every horse event in the Western United Stated for a period of several weeks.  Thanks to the helpful people in Burns and a very cooperative mustang trainer here in my town, we were able to arrange a ride home for Siesta yesterday.  

The trip was a long one.  It usually takes 10 hours, but do to a snafu it took almost 16 hours.  Siesta, bless her, was a very good girl and is now in her forever home.  Her adopter, Barb, is very happy with her and reports that she is settling in gradually, in typical horse fashion.  She'll have a couple of days to recover from the trip and get acquainted with her new people, then it will be time to advance her training and begin to earn her keep.  I was able to say goodbye knowing that I had given Siesta my whole heart while she was here.  I feel proud of her and proud of the accomplishments she made while she was with me.  I have to confess that the tears I shed yesterday on her behalf were not happy ones.  I felt like a chunk of my heart had been torn out and fed to wolves, but today my emotions have moved toward happiness and the wonderful memories of Siesta are keeping me company.  Soon Barb and Siesta will have a hard and fast bond between them, and nothing could make me happier.
This is my last view of Siesta.  As you can see, she's terribly upset about being left behind!  The gentleman that hauled her for us let me put her in one of his grassy pastures the night before the trip.  Siesta had very limited grass while with me, so this was a huge treat for her.  Adios, Siesta, and happy trails.

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