Sunday, February 5, 2012

When You Care Enough To...Glare?

Belle turned a corner tonight.  A little corner, but a corner nonetheless.  She showed emotion!  I mean an emotion other than fear and avoidance.  And she showed it to me!

Up to now, when Belle has had her dinner, she would eat if I was with her, but only if I would hold very still.  If I made a move, she would stop and back away from her hay until I backed up, then she would return and gingerly resume her meal.  Tonight, however, I leaned on the rails in a forward, relaxed posture like I might do with any other horse. 

I didn't really expect her to eat with me there like that.  But, eat she did. 

But that's not all.  My presence didn't please her.  That's no big surprise, and it doesn't hurt my feelings.  The big surprise was that she became annoyed with me.  So annoyed, that she actually pinned her ears and stuck her nose towards me and GLARED!  TWICE!  She cared enough to glare at me!  Next thing you know she'll be showing me her hooves!  I can't wait!  Any emotion is gives me something to work with.  I care, therefore I glare...that's so sweet!

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